Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Review Essay Example

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Review Paper Essay on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Star on the eve of the collapse; a child who is learning to read; blood cells attacking virus these are just some of the amazing complex objects of the physical world. Computer programs are too complex, but the complexity of a different kind. Einstein argued that there should be a simple explanation of natural processes, because God does not act out of whim or arbitrarily. Programmers do not have this consolation: the complexity with which it must deal, lies in the very nature of the system  » This quote could not be better characterize the complexity of our profession and the main purpose of this book.. The main thing that gives this book it is an opportunity to take a look from a different point of view on the process of development of software systems, to analyze the problems and difficulties that are inherent in it, and learn how to deal with them. The book opens our eyes to many conceptual issues, such as the nature of the complexity of software systems, organized and unorganized complexity, the role of hierarchy and abstraction limits of human capabilities in the context of the development of software systems We will write a custom essay sample on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The authors write:. The experiments of psychologists, for example, Miller, show that the maximum number of pieces of information that a person can operate at the same time, approximately seven (plus or minus two). Probably, this restriction information channel capacity due to the volume of human short-term memory. And it is this limitation is a kind of litmus test for object-oriented decomposition of a complex system. The authors then go directly to an object model describing the basic provisions, explaining what is abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, hierarchy, inheritance . Argue in favor of using an object model for the solution of complex programming tasks. A very important question is the measurement of the quality and variety of abstractions relations between classes and objects. In the second part of the book, the authors describe a method of constructing a complex system based on the object model. First introduced graphic notation (now in the book used the UML, instead of notation Butch), and then covers the basics of the generalized development process. Heres what they say: The amateurs are constantly looking for a magical method or tool that could make the programming process trivial. In contrast, the professionals know that such a panacea does not exist. Amateurs want a ready-made recipes; professionals know that this approach leads to unsuitable design solutions and the piling up of lies, for which developers are hiding from the responsibility for wrong decisions previously adopted. Amateurs or ignore all the documentation, or make a fetish out of it, taking care more about how their paper product looks in the eyes of the customer than on its substance. Professional recognizes the importance of documentation, but always prefers sensible architectural i nnovations. The process of object-oriented analysis and design can not be described using the recipes, however it is defined well enough to become the basis for predictable, repeatable software development process.  » The authors emphasize the importance of architectural integrity, iterative and progressive development lifecycle . An interesting feature of the presentation is that the authors do not consider the rational unified process development only true in all cases, and accelerated methods (agile process) is fundamentally wrong. Choosing between rapid and systematic design should assess the risk. What are the risks faced by the project? Choose a style and appropriate methods for minimizing these risks . Selection of the design process does not mean that the job is done. This process should be updated throughout the project lifecycle. Tools that work well, you should leave, and tools that work badly to exclude. The aim must be a continuous improvement process based on practical experience.  » The third part of the book consists of examples of applications covering different subject areas. The main problem of the examples in the field of object-oriented analysis and design is something that is very difficult for them to show iterative development process. You can not on the pages of the book tell you how to think outstanding design, taking certain decisions. As he analyzes the requirements, how he feels, where lies the catch and needed to clarify the requirements of the user, and in any case to contact the domain expert. How to identify the abstraction which side they look better, how to identify the essential characteristics of an object for your particular task. All this, unfortunately, very difficult to describe the examples. But with all this, examples are useful and can help you to draw certain conclusions in certain circumstances, your professional activity. So if this book will make you a superior architect? Frankly, I do not know After learning process, just as the process of software development is iterative and progressive. The mere existence of this book on the shelf is not a guarantee of success of your projects. After reading this book, you will not be able to in his first draft with ease to analyze conflicting user requirements, you will not discover the secrets of object-oriented decomposition and your abstract will be far from ideal. After all, the book its just a trend, it is not the freeway, on which you can shoot at breakneck speed, its just a barely noticeable path through the thorny path, whose name object-oriented analysis and design .

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